Friday, January 18, 2008

door mats

They come in all shapes and sizes...mine is a nice one, I think. It is many different colors, all with different shapes for each color. It is used for decoration, dirty shoes, and to show people who come here that we are "fun loving" people. I used to have one that said "no smoking" but it must have been lost in one of our many moves (or I finally threw it out, because there were so few people in my life who still had that disgusting habit).
Sometimes, door mats take the form of actual human beings. Ya, I said it. Being someone's door mat is no fun. It is not enjoyable to be walked on, or taken for granted. It hurts to be forgotten about, or looked over. It doesn't feel well to be left out by people (any people). I have some experience in this, and let me tell you, it is a horrible, heart-wrenching feeling. I struggle to understand why it happens so often, and so blatantly. But I never seem to find the answer. Of course, I blame myself, figuring I have some huge flaw that I am completely oblivious to. But when asked to pinpoint such a flaw, I wouldn't be able to find one. I don't think I am a particularly heinous person to be around, and I do consider myself a good friend. So I ask you...why? Why is this such a frequent feeling for me to have to bear? I don't know the answer.
My husband is frequently on the floor right along side me. And although it is nice to have the company, it still makes no sense to me. Perhaps we bring it upon ourselves...what with our kind and compassionate nature, our never-ending attempts to help people, our hospitality and warmth....I can see why it would be easy to take advantage of such people.
While listening to a radio show today, they talked about this very thing (probably what sparked all of these thoughts and wonderings) And they said that if you are overly kind, some people just find it easier to take advantage of you. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard! And yet, sadly, it is fairly accurate. How sad is that? How sad is it that we can be so polite and apologize for being in some strangers way in the supermarket, but take for granted a good friend? I see no logic.
So, leave the door mats on the ground for your dirty feet, and hold your friends where they truly deserve to your heart.

1 comment:

Milissa said...

Wow, what spawned this one? I I do hope you aren't referring to me. If you are please let me know so we can discuss further. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your weekend. The movie was great... thanks for the good idea.