Thursday, January 3, 2008

bad tv juju

Our tried and true tv bit the dust today. It is a sad sad day in the house of Four!! It was my me and my husbands first big purchase together (back when we were first living together, some 8 years ago) It started making a high pitched squeal back in October, and then magically healed itself! We were so pleased with our apparent magic tv. And then today, the squeal returned. And with the way that electronics go, our old reliable tv has now become obsolete, creating a problem with the acquiration of the part we need to de-squakafy our old trusty tube!! So off to Future Shop we went. We may seem hasty, but the Boxing Day sale ends tonight, thus bringing all of the tv's back up to their high price!! So we ran there to take advantage of the 400 dollar off tv that I had eyeballed on the internet this afternoon.
This is our second tv that we had to replace this year! Our big screen crapped out on us in July. I am thinking I have some sort of electronic death ring around me. Yep, that's me. The bearer of Bad Tv Juju.

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