Wednesday, June 17, 2009

oh come on!

I am one of those very strangely anal people about my yard. Every spring, I fertilize. Every fall, I fertilize. Every summer, I weed and water and mow and pluck and fuss over the appearance of the green stuff. So you can imagine my chagrin to find dead spots. YES! Dead little patches in my otherwise green lawn. 
I could blame the meandering dog that has been mysteriously leaving dead patches on my neighbors lawns, but unfortunately I have no one to blame but myself in this case. I bought some weed killer this weekend, after carefully reading the back label to ensure it won't kill the grass, only the unsightly yellow "flowers". So I went out on Sunday night, armed with the weed poison, and sprayed the hell out of them. Pleased with myself, I came inside and went to sleep. The bottle ensured that the weeds would be controlled in just 1-2 days. So I closed my eyes and drifted off into a blissful slumber, well aware that the little beastly weeds would be out of my life, and lawn, in a short time. 
I awoke the next morning with a smile on my face that could only have been placed there by the 'green lawn fairies'. I went about my business, pleased with the idea of the poison killing as I did the dishes. Talk about multi-tasking! I glanced in my backyard later, and was puzzled at what I saw. Only the left half of my yard had drooping weeds, and the other half was still all bright and perky. Odd. I shrugged it off and hoped that the rest would soon succumb to their inevitable death. 
I took my son to school on Tuesday morning, and gasped at the sight that awaited me in my front yard. Apparently over the course of Monday, the weed killer hit it's full stride, and ended the life of the weeds in my front yard..... along with the grass that surrounded it! NOT HAPPY! I have little dead circles in my grass! These unsightly little spots are wearing on my brain, and creating stress that I'd rather not have. And I mean, come on! I read the bottle! It said it would kill all weeds... and it mentioned nothing about taking your lawn with them! 
So using the Scotts Turf Builder, I guess, was just a moot point, as I ended up killing little patches with Scotts weed killer. Talk about ironic irony. 

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