Monday, March 17, 2008

been a while

Wow - it's been a while since I posted. MY BAD! I blame my craptacular laptop. The thing is so sporadic, I never know when it will work. And seeing as I spend more time upstairs, it makes it harder to use the computer downstairs :)
Not a whole lot has changed around here. Zack went to his first "school friend" birthday party, the day before we had his party. It was a bit peculiar. He wasn't just the only boy there, he was the only boy who was invited! The Mom of the birthday girl informed me that she only invited people from play-school that her daughter spoke of frequently. I guess I have a little ladies man on my hands! He had a great time. His little "girlfriend" was there, also. They play this little game, where they stand nose-to-nose and stare at eachother, then yell NOTHING and back away. I am not entirely sure how I feel about that....perhaps it is good that they will be attending separate kindergartens in the fall :)
I have our Vegas trip all planned. We are going down in April. Our anniversary isn't until May, but Tom is playing in a paintball league this summer, and it would have been hard to get away in May because of it. So, April it is! We are staying at the New York New York, and I am pumped! I can't wait to go. Tom and I are going down with some friends of ours. And, he surprised me by booking the Graceland Chapel! My big dream was to get married by "Elvis". I even had our entire Vegas trip planned for our wedding, and the whole honeymoon to Disneyland. But because of some family stuff, I wasn't able to. So we are going to renew our vows. Ya, we've only been married for 6 years, but who knows when we will make it back. Besides, it's gonna be so much fun! We are also going to see a Cirque De Soleil show, as well as David Copperfield. It should be a great time.
Right now my husband is out of town, again. So I have yet another "bedtime ritual" to do on my own. I just hope that the boys go to bed easily tonight, and don't get up a bunch of times. I feel really run down and exhausted today. All I want to do is get them to bed, get into my jammies, crawl into bed and watch Friends. Sounds like a party to me! Who knows, I may even throw a brownie into the mix :) WOO! I am living on the edge...I know!!

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