Friday, July 17, 2009

Mass confusion

Sometimes people can say sentences to you that may make total sense to them, but they completely blow your mind and throw you into a state of total and complete confusion. Hello. I'm Jennie, and I'll be your tour guide on this crazy uncertain ride. 
It doesn't usually take much to confuse someone who is already leaning on the blurry side of certainty. I seem to be residing in the blur lately, so saying anything but "hi" and "bye" to me is sure to throw me into some sort of grey matter melting tail spin. I am not sure what the boiling point of brain is, but I assure you that I am darn close to it! 
I spend minutes, hours, days and weeks rehashing confusing points, and I'm pretty sure my brain is close to packing in and leaving me alone with my thoughts. I have flashes of brilliance that make me feel like I can just leave well enough alone, and carry on... but then there are those moments where it is all I can focus on, and I begin to feel crazy. I am borderline crazy to begin with, so giving me an extra boost is not a good thing. 
I know that one day I will wake up and everything will make sense; my lightbulb will go on; the sun will shine again. But until then, I will over-evaluate everything, melting my brain, and stumbling around like some unstoppable buffoon looking for the light switch. But at least I know that the light switch is there... somewhere. 

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