Defined as: intense dislike or ill will. It is probably the most volatile emotion there is known to man. And it isn't something that happens overnight. And yet, so many are so quick to use it to describe something. For instance; I hate eggs, seafood, snow, cold weather, snobby rude people, death...etc. And yet when I look at those things, I realize that I really only dislike them, as hate my be too strong a word. It isn't something to be taken lightly, as hate can very rarely be undone.
I believe that true hatred has to be worked for, you have to really truly despise something, for a great time, before you truly hate it. And yet here I sit, fully aware that there is at least one person out in the world who hates me... honest to God hates me. And that is a really weird feeling. I am sure there is more than just one, but right now as I type this, only one comes to mind. And I know this person hates me for their own reasons, and they may make sense to them, but to me, it seems ludicrous and unjust.
I will be the first to admit when I'm wrong, and take full responsibility for anything I do. But at this time, I see nothing wrong, or any reason for someone to loathe me. And yet, I'm fairly certain if we lived closer, my life would be at risk (not really, but you get my point.) And that's a really unsettling feeling.
So what do you do? Do you go away and hope the hatred fades with years? Or do you carry on about your business and keep on doing what you're doing? I'm at an impasse, as I'm not sure which road to take. All I know is right now, if I lived closer, someone's brand new truck might get keyed... or at the very least, egged. I may always admit when I'm wrong, but I have to do something wrong first, right ;) Never said I was a bigger person... I just know when to pick my battles.