Ah, if only that were true. And yet, many people believe in the sanctity of "New Year, New Me". I began this very blog last year, as a resolution of sorts. I believed it would be cathartic to get feelings, thoughts and wonderings out on "paper". It has done that, and also provided me with many laughs and memories. But it hasn't "changed me" as many people-I am sure-believe that resolutions will do. You have to want it, need it and seriously work at it.
And change doesn't happen overnight. So don't be believing that just because Dick Clark drops the ball, that the slate gets wiped clean! It may be a new year, but the old you is still there!
Another thing I don't understand is the necessity to "ring in the new year" by being as blasted drunk as is humanly possible! But it seems to be a widely accepted way to begin a new year, so I suppose it is something to just accept.
Still, we all need to remember that in order for this year to be better than last year, we HAVE to try! We have to change things, or else we will just be living perpetually in the year we just finished. So, throw out your garbage, hug your kids, pick up your laundry, help with the dishes, learn a new instrument, count your calories, actually go to the gym, and for goodness sake SMILE! Because like attracts like... so blink your eyes and embrace the new year we have all been given.